  • Tonometry

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 Measurement of intraocular pressure is part of the exam routine for each optometry and ophthalmologic assessment. The most commonly associated disease with increased intraocular pressure is of course glaucoma.

It is well known that increased intraocular pressure does not necessarily mean glaucoma, and its low levels do not mean avoidance of glaucoma either.

Most important, however, is to have a systematic follow-up, which, in combination with other clinical trials, will prevent the development of a condition.


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one of the most recognized Ophthalmology Centres in Thessaloniki and begin a new exciting life with … other eyes!

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Make your appointment today with LASER ΚΑΙ ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΣ

one of the most recognized Ophthalmology Centres in Thessaloniki and begin a new exciting life with … other eyes!

στο 2310 433790